You’ve Got No Fans

We’ve been asked a couple of times recently about our thoughts about using Brandbassador or similar to checks notes pay to gift product for free to people who don’t know or care about you, to post on social media saying they love you?


I mean, I get that it increases your share of voice, reach, impressions, potentially consideration, mental availability, etc. But… Why pay for it? Or rather, why pay people who aren’t part of your community to create it?

Why not post saying you’ll give some fans something exclusive money can’t buy, as well as the money you’d pay to have content created, to create and share work with you? Then, you look up everyone who enters on your customer database, and all the ones who you don’t pay to use for content, you instead send them some free product with a hand written note to thank them for giving a shit about you. You do this unannounced and expect nothing in return, just as they expected nothing in return.

I promise you, by doing this you’ll get much better results than you’d have got from paying strangers to pretend to like you.


Truth and Accuracy are a Pelican in a Wedding Dress


Pay To Play Hits Twitter